Intimacy as the Foundation of a Relationship

Intimacy is the foundation of a loving relationship on which romance and passion are built and sustained, as well as the engine that drives the romantic energy in the relationship.  Intimacy is about the connection, direct communication, understanding, and trust that come from close association, contact and familiarity, and very personal and private interactions between two people.  Being intimate says, “I love you,” and so much more!

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Understanding Your Authentic Self

No matter our chosen profession, and regardless of our upbringing, we all have a natural way of being and we know our “way of being” (in terms of personality, talents, capabilities, ways of communicating, and ways of being motivated), are all different from those around us.  We know from experience when we are in alignment with our natural way of being – and when we are not. We perform better, feel better, we have more success, and we get outstanding results.

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Personal Mission Defined

A personal mission statement defines three things for the world to see:

  • What you do. This is the work you do that will take you where you want to go in your personal vision.  It is the work that will give you satisfaction, meaning, and purpose in your life, one happy and content day at a time.
  • Your unique value proposition. This is the unique value you provide to the world.  This is the result that people or organizations (which are simply larger groups of people) get from you or your efforts.  It could be joy, wealth, information, knowledge, skills, a better life, etc.
  • Who you serve. These are your customers.  These are the people or organizations that most value your unique value proposition.  This could be anyone (as everyone needs food) or it could be very specific (such as – children with leukemia).

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Embracing Your Unique Talents

Embracing Your Unique Talents

The Power of Discovering and Using Your Unique Talents in Your Business and Life!

“The road to happiness lies in two simple principles: find what it is that interests you and that you can do well, and when you find it put your whole soul into it – every bit of energy and ambition and natural ability you have.” John Rockefeller

“Each of us has been put on earth with the ability to do something well.  We cheat ourselves and the world if we don’t use that ability as best we can.” George Allen – Professional Football Coach

No matter our chosen profession, and regardless of our upbringing, we all have a natural way of being and we intuitively know our “way of being” (in terms of personality, talents, capabilities, ways of communicating, and ways of being motivated) is different from those around us.  We know from experience when we are in alignment with our natural way of being.  We perform better, feel better, we have more success, feel more fulfilled and we get outstanding results.  We may not exactly know WHY we are in alignment, but we know when we are and when we are not.  Wouldn’t it be great if we could be in alignment more often?  Imagine how much more productive, prosperous, happy, fulfilled and successful you could be if we were performing “in alignment” more often than not!  What would it mean to you to have this kind of success, fulfillment and peace of mind?

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Living Intentionally

The power is yours to create the life of your dreams with a clear vision!

You may have heard a few of these quotes in your lifetime, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” (George Harrison). Or, “If you don’t know where you’re going, you will wind up somewhere else!” (Yogi Berra). We really like these quirky little quotes because they capture the true essence of what happens when you’re not in the driver’s seat, actively navigating your life, and living intentionally. They also touch on the extraordinary power available to you by honing a clear focus, choosing a direction in alignment with who you are, and creating a compelling vision of the life of your dreams.

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Hear Wayne on Voice America Empowerment Radio

KDMarlee-show-descriptionListen to the interview on Voice America Empowerment Radio, recorded on October 17th, 2014, with the founder of Ottum Enterprises, Wayne Ottum where he discussed the principles behind his book Live from Strength with hosts K D Marlee on their show “B-MyTe: Balancing Your Money and Your Time.”   Click here or on the image to your right to listen to the show.

Create Your Own Economic Recovery

Ready to take control of your business and drive your own economic recovery?

The Business Growth Challenge™ is helping business owners like you start, restart, reinvent and reinvigorate their business in today’s economy. How? By helping them evaluate where they’ve been, where they want to go, and helping them decide if what they have been doing will get them there.

When was the last time you took a long hard look at the way you do business? Is everything running smoothly or could it use a little improvement?

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