Business related posts.

Lead from Strength™: Mastering the Three “Sides” of Leadership

by Wayne Ottum

“You manage things; you lead people.”
Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

 “Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.”
General Dwight Eisenhower

 “The most dangerous leadership myth is that leaders are born-that there is a genetic factor to leadership.
That’s nonsense; in fact, the opposite is true. Leaders are made rather than born.
Warren Bennis

Leadership.  There are plenty of great quotes about it, but what does it really mean?  To begin any discussion of leadership, the best place to start is with a definition.  You know when you are in the presence of a great leader and when you’re not, but most of us struggle to define the term.  Of course, the desire to “define” leadership is so that we can “become” a better leader.  We think, perhaps rightly, that if it is definable, it can be replicated.

The following definition can be found in the dictionary[1]



[lee-der-ship] noun

  1. the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group: Synonyms: administration, management, directorship, control, governorship, stewardship, hegemony.
  2. ability to lead: Synonyms: authoritativeness, influence, command, effectiveness; sway, clout.
  3. an act or instance of leading; guidance; direction:
  4. the leaders of a group:

Ah…, not very helpful when you’re trying to figure out HOW to lead, is it?  Reading through The 100 Best Quotes on Leadership[2], you will find dozens of different “definitions” from a wide variety of authors.  But how do you take that and discover your own leadership style, through trial and error?  Not the best approach.

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Dan Hurst

I was just taking a minute to think about the workshop you conducted and wanted to again share my appreciation.  The level of passion, effort, and care that you have shown has exceeded my expectations.  I felt the workshop was a great success.  You delivered what you promised, it took on a life of its own, and you guided the process effortlessly while providing a safe place for everyone to share ideas. So far all the feedback I have gotten has been positive and everyone really enjoyed your facilitation.  I am sure I speak for Pat as well when I say, thank you, and we are really looking forward to the challenges and hard work that lie ahead.

Hear Wayne on Voice America Empowerment Radio

KDMarlee-show-descriptionListen to the interview on Voice America Empowerment Radio, recorded on October 17th, 2014, with the founder of Ottum Enterprises, Wayne Ottum where he discussed the principles behind his book Live from Strength with hosts K D Marlee on their show “B-MyTe: Balancing Your Money and Your Time.”   Click here or on the image to your right to listen to the show.

Katie Walsh

I am so grateful to have met you during my visit to get advice about starting a nonprofit organization five years ago. You have truly been an amazing mentor over the years, and I appreciate all the help and guidance you have continued to provide. Thank you for finding the time to always help me with my different requests whether it be questions about running a business, networking, or with my homework. You are amazing!  Thank you very much!

Teresa Richter.

Wayne is an amazing business coach. He really takes the time to personally get to know each individual and their unique situation. He is able to offer personalized and unique suggestions and solutions as part of building the business plan. His style emphasizes focusing on each person’s unique set of strengths to learn how to deal with situations that may arise, and to do business in alignment with who they are. Wayne’s method is freeing because it allows you to be who you are and to let go of any true weaknesses.

Create Your Own Economic Recovery

Ready to take control of your business and drive your own economic recovery?

The Business Growth Challenge™ is helping business owners like you start, restart, reinvent and reinvigorate their business in today’s economy. How? By helping them evaluate where they’ve been, where they want to go, and helping them decide if what they have been doing will get them there.

When was the last time you took a long hard look at the way you do business? Is everything running smoothly or could it use a little improvement?

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Marie Maguire

Wayne Ottum provided me with guidance during the start up of my business. He understands strengths and communication styles and did an excellent job in guiding me to build a business completely in line with who I am. He is uniquely gifted at drawing one’s best qualities to the surface to influence decisions in a positive way. My business is thriving because of all that Wayne brought to the conversation.

Wayne Bishop

Wayne helped us to clearly define our services and create a value proposition that will be in demand in the market. His process and methodology helped us to define an effective marketing strategy, allowing us to move forward with clarity and confidence to build the company we envisioned. What was great was that we were not forced into some boilerplate template. Instead, the Business Growth Challenge™ process allowed us to create a plan that we can be proud of knowing it is based on our vision, our values, and our goals.

Paul Valley

Before I went through the Business Growth Challenge™, I didn’t think I had the time or resources or the need for a business consultant. But I was wrong! Wayne gave me the clarity I needed to focus my time on the important things and he helped me clearly define what these important things are: A vision for my organization, my potential marketing channels, a marketing strategy, the right target markets, our value proposition, and our organizational culture.